Can Portugal Have a Strategy?
No. 95 JUNE 2019
There is evidence: because it is limited in terms of people and resources, Portugal has always depended on relations with the outside. This is why it is important to ask whether we have followed the most effective strategy to ensure proper inclusion in an uncertain world throughout history. This essay points to a central problem in Portuguese strategic culture, which is aversion to systematic planning. We lack the ability to analyse, plan and coordinate all the resources of the State to anticipate or respond to attacks, crises, emergencies. However, contrary to what some argue, a country like Portugal not only can but must have a great national strategy, which systematically coordinates a vision of its place in the world and makes the most of its capabilities. This is what is proposed in this essay.
There is evidence: because it is limited in terms of people and resources, Portugal has always depended on relations with the outside. This is why it is important to ask whether we have followed the most effective strategy to ensure proper inclusion in an uncertain world throughout history. This essay points to a central problem in Portuguese strategic culture, which is aversion to systematic planning. We lack the ability to analyse, plan and coordinate all the resources of the State to anticipate or respond to attacks, crises, emergencies. However, contrary to what some argue, a country like Portugal not only can but must have a great national strategy, which systematically coordinates a vision of its place in the world and makes the most of its capabilities. This is what is proposed in this essay.
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8 × 130 × 200 mm
Book available only in Portuguese
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